Condensate tank with dynamic level

The DYNAVAP is one of the 5 elements of the Steam Sub-Station by Spirec
The DYNAVAP is a condensate dewatering cover. These comes from a SPIVAP type exchanger fed with expanded steam. The condesnate level in the tank is controlled in ordrer to maintain a high condensate temperature to optimize the energy recovery.
Main characteristic of DYNAVAP
The DYNAVAP is a lifting cover that allows to optimize the energy by an ECOVAP by preheating the domestic hot water. It receives the condensates coming from SPIVAP and controls the level and temperature of the condensates in order to make the most of the available energy. The DYNAVAP is equipped with one or two STAINLESS STEEL lifting pumps. The DYNAVAP is designed in compliance with the technical constraints and recommendations of the CPCU.

No maintenance
A man-height cover gives access to the inside of the DYNAVAP tank. This lid is watertight without any seal. It avoids any release of steam by gasketless system requiring no maintenance.
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Stainless steel materials
The DYNAVAP tank is made of STAINLESS STEEL 316L TIG-welded without filler metal.The equipmentis also made of STAINLESS STEEL316L, as well as the body of the lifting pump. The risk of corrosion is reudced. the insulation is covered with aluminium. No risk of rust.

Advantages of the Spirec DHW heaters
– The tank does not require any particular maintenance
– DYNAVAP allows to optimize energy recovery, which reduces energy consumption.
Health security
– No risk of legionella development
– The DYNAVAP is designed in compliance with the technical constraints and recommendations of the CPCU
– Stainless materials
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