How to reduce the operating costs of condominiums ? This concerns maintenance costs and energy consumption.
Spirec solutions consume less energy because they recover energy to preheat the DHW or maintain the loop, or because the loop pumps consume less. Designed to be maintenance-free, these solutions are reliable and virtuous.
Solutions designed for housing
Case studies

building avenue de la madeleine – paris (75)
Steam Sub-Station by Spirec 270 kW.
The Steam by Spirec Sub-Station produces heating and DHW for 6 high standing residential and office buildings. The preheating of the DHW and the maintenance of the DHW loop temperature are ensured by the intelligent use of condensate in a patented cover.
– Design office: NAMIXIS
– Installer: SOLVAC
Cité HLM / SOCCRAM-Orléans / OPAC-Hérouville