Control your DHW production

Exchangers specifially made for the DHW production.
Spirec has developed spiral welded plate heat exchangers suitable for 90-60, 80-60, 80-40 and 70-40 temperature regimes, which can operate with boilers as well as heat pumps or solar energy.
Main characteristic of SPI MAXI
Compact, plug & play, made with welded 316 L stainless steel, the DHW heaters of the MAXI range integrate Spirec exchangers assembled with isolation valves. They are the only DHW heaters that can be maintained without stopping the DHW production. The MAXI range secures DHW production and facilitates the design of networks according to DTU 60.1 rule.

Primary storage
To reduce capacity of the boiler or the heating network, the production of DHW is associated with a storage tank on the primary side. The tank incorporates a specific diffuser which provides the essential stratification for proper operation.
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Health security
To facilitate the design of DHW networks and to reduce the risk of developing the legionellae, the ECS loop does not cross the SPI MAXI exchangers.

Advantages of the Spirec DHW heaters
– The DHW heaters are delivered pre-assembled, ready to operate.
– The maintenance of the SPI-MAXI is limited to the operation of the isolation valves on the heat exchangers.
– It is not necessary to store spare plates or descaling chemicals in the boiler room.
– The SPI-MAXI installation consumes on average 23% less energy than a conventional installation.
Health security
– No scale deposit that retains legionella.
– DTU-compliant DHW return loop velocities and temperature prevents the development of legionella.
– The SPI-MAXI is entirely manufactured in the Sartrouville plant (78) with standard components. The SPI-MAXI DHW heater is certified Origine France Garantie, more than 50% of its manufacturing cost comes from France.
– Each SPI-MAXI is tested before shipment to guarantee good working order.
Select the DHW heater suited to your needs. Spirec has developed an online selector to facilitate your studies.
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