Avoid scaling of exchangers

A unique design
Spirec heat exchangers are spirally wound and welded plate heat exchangers without any gaskets (Spirec patent). The internal circuit is single-channel, which ensures excellent flow and speed control. This original design of exchanger provides unique advantages : exchange efficiency, very high difficulty to scale. Depending on the desired power, several exchangers can be mounted in parallel on collectors to cover the needs. Depending on the application, Spirec heat exchangers are made of stainless steel 316L or Titanium.
Main characteristic of WATER EXCHANGERS
The water exchangers are cylindrical in shape. The spirally wound plates are fully welded. They are used for domestic hot water production, energy recovery, for DHW preheating. These exchangers are ACS.

Extremely long service life
Thanks to their unique design, Spirec heat exchangers are particularly robust :
- Resistant to corrosion
- Accepts temperature and pressure variations
- Waterproof and seamless
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Spirec exchangers are the only plate heat exchangers with a single-channel internal circuit. This characteristic gives it a natural resistance to scaling: the DHW circulates uniformly in this circuit where the turbulence is strong enough to prevent the deposit of scale.

Advantages of the WATER EXCHANGER
– Spirec exchangers do not scale, so they do not need maintenance
– Spirec heat exchangers are environmentally friendly
– It is not necessary to use decalcifying chemicals, because Spirec exchangers do not scale
Health security
– Spirec exchangers are single-channel; the formation of scale, in which legionellae settle, is almost impossible. They therefore limit the risk of legionella development
– Thanks to their design, Spirec exchangers are compact and robust. They have an excellent resistance to pressure and thermal expansion
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